Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy
/How embarrassing.
Here I am, almost 14 months postpartum and I don’t have my “pre-baby body back.”
6 weeks postpartum vs 1 year 6 weeks postpartum
How embarrassing.
I should hang my head in shame, right? Give back my “trainer” certifications? Call it quits on the whole healthy living portion of The FRICKin Good Life? (Which, let’s be honest, is one of the major pillars of living the FRICKin Good Life)
Get your body back after pregnancy.
If I see that one more time, I may scream. Or pull out my hair (which, let’s be honest, isn’t a great idea since I’m finally growing the hair back I lost last year!).
First of all, mama you GREW A HUMAN. Take a moment and let that sink in yet again. Your body is FRICKin amazing. You grew a human and then you brought that human into the world, which may have been the most intensely physical thing you have ever accomplished (I know it was for me).
Then, after GROWING a human, you have to keep that tiny person alive. It has to eat (a lot!), and be kept clean (oh the diapers!), and convinced to sleep… preferably at least once a day without being held so you can get some sleep.
It’s hard work. And on top of that, new moms are bombarded over and over again with “get your body back” messages. It’s overwhelming.
We see pictures of celebrities who not only have (a lot of) help, but it’s literally their job to look a certain way. And we see pictures on social media of a few random people who have great genetics who do magically seem to snap back to the way they looked before.
But here’s the thing- even if you are doing all of the “right” things, recovery takes time. And time, my friend, is one of those things that seems to be in short supply. Whether you are nursing a newborn or chasing a toddler. Trying to find time to take care of yourself can be challenging.
Ideally you have someone you can rely on for help. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case for everyone. But finding 5 minutes here or 20 minutes there adds up.
And not only does recovery take time, but your body has changed. Inside and out. Our bodies and hormones are consistently adapting and changing. What worked for you previously, may not work for you postpartum. And what impacts you in a certain way initially, may not have the same effect a couple months later.
It’s maddening.
I thought by the time my little one was a year old, my body would be in a place that was healthy and optimal for me. I reminded myself over and over last year that my body had been through 10 months of intense change, so why would I expect it to change dramatically within a shorter timeframe? Sure, it’s possible, but probable?
6 weeks postpartum vs 12 months, 6 weeks postpartum
For many people, unfortunately, no. Because recovery takes time.
I started my physical recovery as soon as I was able. And after 12 weeks I realized I was very slowly starting to gain my strength back.
I started slowly, paying attention to my body and allowing the process to take time. But even though I have a lot of my strength back, here we are, almost a year after those 12 weeks and I’m still recovering. A postpartum hip issue is still on the mend and I still am unable to do some of the things I was able to do even 8 months pregnant.
When I start to get down on myself for my “lack,” of progress I remind myself what I wrote at the end of last July.
And I’ll take my time getting to where I should be. I’ll never “get my body back,” and I’m not worried about it. There’s no going back, only going forward.
Stop. Read that again.
“I’ll never get my body back… There’s no going back, only going forward”
Do you ever look at something you wrote and think, “Man, I can be pretty dang smart sometimes?” Because, ain’t that the truth.
There IS no going back. Only going forward.
Instead of looking at what you haven’t accomplished. Look at what you HAVE accomplished.
And this goes for everyone. Whether your 14 weeks postpartum, 14 months postpartum, 14 years postpartum, or never postpartum.
No matter what you do, or how hard you try, you’ll never get your previous body back. It’s literally impossible. Your body has changed, and continues to change. So let the fact that that you won’t have your old body be freeing!
Now you have the opportunity to change, and mold and create a new body. In Marie Kondo terms, thank your old body for the work it put in, for where it has gotten you- and move on.
Thank you body for getting me here!
Every day you get me out of bed and help me accomplish my daily activities. Often, without me even thinking about it. You go up and down stairs you bend and twist, and get up and down. Sure, sometimes I wish these things were easier- but you do them! Thank you body!
Our bodies are amazing. YOUR body is amazing.
So maybe you’re not where you want to be yet, that’s okay. We’re all a work in progress. We’re always a work in progress. Every day is an opportunity to work to become healthier and happier versions of ourselves.
And sometimes, it takes longer than we think it will. Often, it takes longer than we want. Your timeline is your own.
Just remember. You are amazing. You’re doing a great job. I’m proud of you.