2021 Word of the Year Follow-Up

I have a confession to make.

Here we are, almost halfway through the year and I’m just now revisiting my word. Just like last year, I kept it in mind for the first couple months of the year, and then… I just forgot.

It’s not like the fact that I forgot even surprises me that much. With so much going on in our brains every day, it can be challenging to remember something that isn’t ingrained in there. We constantly think about meal planning, grocery shopping, our kids and their needs, and everything we have to balance at work. Oh, and there’s the actual cooking, cleaning, and keeping the house running. Oh, and we’re supposed to find time to sleep and take care of ourselves as well. And our word of the year needs to be in their too?

No wonder new habits are challenging to create.

It’s actually embarrassing to admit that I’m just now realizing I haven’t used my word to its fullest potential. After all, wasn’t that my complaint about last years’ word?

Not only that, but I knew going into the year that habits like this need triggers. And since I had big plans for my word this year. I even considered buying a bracelet with my word on it so I could have a daily reminder. I looked up some options, found one I really liked, but for some reason I never selected “add to cart.”  

I should have.

I chose my word well, darn it. As the world is gradually opening up and I’m relearning how to have a baby (well- toddler!) in this environment, right now I need my word more than ever.


“The quality of bending easily without breaking”

Yes please. Give me some of that.

Right now I need to remember my word more than ever.

For example:

  • I ended up with a postpartum hip flexor issue. I need to give myself more grace that my recovery didn’t go the way I had hoped, and I’m still not 100% where I want to be

  • I haven’t created as much content for The FRICKin Good Life this year as I would have liked. I need to remember that I haven’t given “work” the extra time because I’ve been trying not to work more than absolutely necessary when Clara is awake

  • The idea of bringing Clara with me to a coffee or meal patio date gives me absolute anxiety (What do I need to bring? What do I need to plan? How does this even work???) I have to remember that just because my baby is over a year old, I’m still a first-time mom who is doing something new. It’s okay to feel nervous

  • My house “to-do” list looks almost exactly the same as it did this time last year. I need to remember that last year was pretty much a wash. Pandemic, contractors, and new babies don’t exactly go together. Instead of focusing on what hasn’t been done, it’s time to start focusing on what I can do now

Just to name a few.

I got off track. I forgot my word. I didn’t use the tools I have to make it stick (Oh, and I have the tools. Which reminds me, I should share some of my favorite tools soon… stay tuned).

But you know what? The important thing is realizing you’re off the track you planned, and getting back on. And that goes for anything and everything. Whether it’s your nutrition, your fitness, or your word of the year.

It’s not too late. Take a moment and get back on the horse… or whatever proverbially thing you need to get back on. Redirect. Correct your aim. Get back on track, you got this!

And dang it. It may be halfway through the year, but I’m going to buy that bracelet.