Please let me know if you are interested in borrowing any of my books! Books with “book reports” are hyperlinked.

Food & Nutrition

131 Method- Chalene Johnson
7 Day Jumpstart- Natalie Jill
Feeding You Lies- Vani Hari
Food What the Heck Should I Eat- Mark Hyman, MD

Overall Heath

Beyond the Pill- Dr. Jolene Brighten
Sleep Smarter- Shawn Stevenson


Beyond Mars and Venus- John Gray
Do Less- Kate Northrup
The Five Love Languages- Gary Chapmen
The Happiness Project- Gretchen Rubin


Aging in Reverse- Natalie Jill
The Longevity Paradox- Steven R. Gundry, MD

Business & Motivation

Girl, Stop Apologizing- Rachel Hollis
Push- Chalene Johnson