Body Image and Pregnancy

32 weeks.

That’s how long it took me to really feel “okay” with my changing body.

Maybe that surprises you. You know, since I always do my best to promote loving yourself through your journey and the importance of overall health over the size of your body.

But here I am, being completely honest with you. It took me 32 weeks.

The first trimester was probably the worst. I could see myself gaining weight and changing my workouts, but we hadn’t announced that I was pregnant yet, and I could see the side-eye I was getting from people. I could just hear what they were saying behind my back.

“Did you see her? She is really letting herself go.”

“No kidding. Looks like too many burritos and cookies to me.”

“And she’s supposed to be a TRAINER? Ha!”

Now, I say this. But who knows what people were saying or thinking. Honest, who knows if they even WERE saying or thinking. There’s a high likelihood it was all in my head. And if it wasn’t, it’s because as a fitness professional people are constantly looking at and judging my body more than the average person. And I get that. But, like I said, it made the first trimester really tough.

The second trimester was a bit easier, but not a lot. I entered the “is it a baby or a burrito” phase hardcore and stayed there for quite a while. My clients, students, and people who know me knew I was pregnant at that point in time, but the outside “eyes” didn’t necessarily know. In fact, it wasn’t until 22 or 23 weeks that someone who worked at the same gym as I did overheard the fact that I was pregnant and congratulated me. Maybe it was my imagination, but she stopped giving me “that look” during my workouts after that.

So why am I telling you this? And why does it even matter to you if you’re not pregnant.

Well, first off, I want to remind you that you think about your body way more than anyone else does. I promise you that.

No, I’m not saying that no one ever judges you. Unfortunately, we women are especially bad at that (which is a soapbox I am not going to climb onto today. You’re welcome). What I’m saying is, that you think about your own body way more often than anyone else does. And maybe there is someone thinking something negative about you from the corner of the room (Why would I want a trainer with a body like that?) But maybe, just maybe that person is just staring at themselves in the mirror wondering what someone is thinking of them.

And if you are pregnant I want to be here to remind you that you are an amazing, beautiful, and powerful woman. You are growing an ENTIRE HUMAN. And that’s freaking awesome!!! Yes, you will probably need someone to tell you this on a regular basis (at least through the first 32 weeks), and that’s okay too. You’ve got hormones surging through your body, your clothes fit differently every single day, and there’s a good chance that no matter how healthy you are you will have days where even your shoes feel tight.

These are the days to take a deep breath, remind yourself that you’re accomplishing something amazing without even thinking about it… and call on your support buddy. Maybe it’s your partner or a good friend. But make sure you have someone you can vent to on those “bleh” days who will listen without judging, then remind you that you are an amazing, beautiful, powerful woman. And, oh yeah, growing a human!

In the end, what it comes down to whether you’re pregnant or not, what does it matter what someone else thinks of you? Yes, I realize this is easier said than done (and I raise my hand up high to admit that I still battle with the worry of what people think about me), but all emotions aside, what does it matter? What that person thinks has no impact on you.

If you’re here with me, reading this post I know you. I know that you are on the journey to live the healthiest, happiest, FRICKin Good Life. And where you are on that journey doesn’t matter.  You may be at the very beginning, and that’s okay. You’re here. You’re starting. THAT is what matters.

If you’ve been doing this a while, but still feel like you have a long way to go; that’s okay too. I have days (weeks, months) when I feel the same way. The important thing is every single day we do the best we can on that day. And when we don’t quite live up to our goals and expectations, we re-calibrate and keep going.

Because you and me- we are amazing human beings. And it doesn’t matter if we’re 120 pounds, 220 pounds, or anywhere above, below, or in between. It’s the journey we’re on that matters. It’s the decisions we make every day. And what someone thinks (or doesn’t think) about us doesn’t matter.

You are amazing.
You are beautiful.
You are strong and powerful.
You are living a FRICKin Good Life.


Daily affirmations to remind yourself of how amazing you are. You are an amazing human being, worthy of love and acceptance no matter where you are in your life journey.