Best Road Trip Snacks

Best Road Trip Snacks

I’ve spent a lot of time on the road. Between family road trips and the several years I spent touring across the United States as an actor, I’ve definitely put in some miles. And if there’s one thing I know about hitting the open road, it’s that what you’ve got in your ears and have available to eat can totally make or break the long hauls.

I imagine it must have had something to do with not wanting to hear, “are we there yet” a zillion times, but the way I remember things, my parents always wanted to get where we were going as quickly as possible. What that meant to me as a kid was that we had short bathroom breaks, and ideally when we had to get gas. Because of this, snacks were essential.

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Live a Little

Live a Little

I write to you tonight with a (very) full tummy.

“Say what?!?  But I thought you were going to help me be lean, and thin, and healthy, and… “

…starving?  Missing out on life?  Not a chance.  First of all, I’m not a perfect eater.  If you’re looking for that person, you should go elsewhere.  I love all kinds of food and I love eating food.  I look forward to wine and cheese nights with the girls, and there is not much you could do to make me miss out on some Belgian dark chocolate.  That being said, it’s all about moderation; in life, and on the road. 

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