About Me & Why "The FRICKin Good Life"

Hey, I’m Erin!  I am blessed to work with amazing people who are totally over feeling overweight, unhappy, unhealthy, tired, and/or uncomfortable in their own skin… just like I used to feel.

I help them achieve a better quality of life (a FRICKin Good Life, in fact!) by designing realistic health, fitness, and wellness plans that fit their busy lifestyles.  I’ve helped clients lose over 100 pounds, improve their relationships, reconnect with a sense of purpose, and acquire the confidence to go for promotions at work.  I have 10 years of experience teaching group exercise classes, 6.5 years of one-one-one personal training, and 8 years of online coaching experience. 

When I’m not busy training clients one-on-one or designing programs and materials for my in-person and online clients, I can be found cooking a fabulous dinner while enjoying a nice glass of wine with a small group of friends or family, performing in or attending the local musical, or I can’t be found at all because I’m off traveling to places like Belgium, Nicaragua, or Denmark! 

If you’re dying to know more about me, here are 11 things you probably didn’t know…

1.  I actually don’t need to drink coffee in the morning; I just enjoy the taste, and really like the smell of freshly ground beans.

2.  I hated working out (like hated) until I was 23 and discovered there is, in fact, a thing as a soulmate workout.

3.  My first professional acting gig was when I was  4 years old and it was for a Christmas ad campaign for a toy and knick-knack shop in Cape Girardeau, MO (obviously because I was so dang cute!)

4.  I believe red lipstick, a cute outfit, and a pair of heels can cure any bad mood.

5.  I rarely follow a recipe more than once. After that, I consider it a personal challenge to make the recipe healthier, tastier, or both!

6.  I’m slightly obsessed with Harry Potter, and even though I probably would have been sorted at 11 as a Ravenclaw, if I were sorted now I’d probably be a Ravendor…

7.  I hate cleaning my house, but when I do I like to blast 90s music and take regular dance breaks.

8.  I’ve had the opportunity to travel all over the country as a professional actor and can give you tips of things to do in almost every state (If you’re in Newport, RI get the nachos at Griswold’s Tavern; Wall Drug and the Corn Palace are totally worth the stop if you’re driving through SD; the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, CO isn’t actually a “garden,” but it is beautiful… just wear your hiking boots; and if you’re in La Mars, IA don’t even feel bad for having ice cream for dinner in the ice cream capital of the world).

9.  I’m a recovering perfectionist, people-pleaser, and clearance rack shopper.

10.  I still remember lyrics from honor choir songs in elementary school.

11.  I am living proof that when you choose to take the time to learn and experiment with what works best for you, you truly can be healthy, happy, and have fun in the process!

Contact me or sign up for my newsletter for more of the FRICKinGood Life!