Postpartum Motivation

Thirteen weeks postpartum, and I am looking back in amazement at what my body has accomplished.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I have to specifically remind myself to look back in amazement.

For some reason we have this crazy notion that by six weeks postpartum a woman should automatically be the same size as she was before she was pregnant… or smaller. So by 12 weeks you should definitely not only fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes, but they should look great on you. Especially if you’re breastfeeding… because that helps you lose weight <insert eye roll here>.

I’m not entirely sure where this timeline came from. After all, our bodies have just spent 9 (well, 10) months growing. And they’re supposed to shrink in a month and a half? While taking care of a newborn? Okayyyy…

So back to what I was saying before.

Thirteen weeks postpartum, and I am looking back in amazement at what my body has accomplished.

I grew human. And then I worked for over 15 hours to bring this human into the world. I did it with only the help of my husband and the staff, and I was able to walk across the room less than an hour later.

And It was hard. It was really hard. It was the most intensely physical thing I have ever done. But I did it. I worked with my body to accomplish something truly amazing, and I love her for that.

But then the next part began. Recovery.

I spent six weeks walking, slowly building up to longer walks. I started slow. My first walk was less than a half a mile. But that was plenty. 

Gradually the walks became longer. Then, after six weeks, I received the “all clear” from my doctor and started to add in some strength training. Bodyweight strength training at first, and eventually some light/moderate weights (It's amazing how heavy everything seemed at first). 

And it was hard. My first workout was humbling as I realized how much of my pre-pregnancy strength I had lost. But it was around week four or five (10 or 11 postpartum) when it got really hard.

The little voice it my head was taunting me about my “lack” of progress. As if a voice in my head knows what’s going on!

It was telling me that I was a joke, and who was I to call myself a personal trainer? I mean, I was still modifying through my workouts a LOT. I could barely do three pushups on my toes. What a joke! Right?


It takes time. Whether you’re starting a program or your starting your health journey for the very first time, the little steps add up. Sometimes it feels like it’s taking forever. Then all of a sudden one day you'll realize you can do something you weren't able to do two weeks ago. 

Your body is strong, capable, and amazing! Give yourself grace and give yourself time.

Your body is strong, capable, and amazing. You just have to give yourself grace and give yourself time. Changes don't happen overnight, no matter what the magazines will lead you to believe. 

Am I back to where I was pre-pregnancy? No. Thirteen weeks postpartum and I’m not even magically back to pre-pregnancy weight like it seems happens to celebrities overnight.

But you know what is back? Some of my strength. I can do (some) triceps pushups on my toes and I can lift (moderate) dumbbells with good rep range. And I’ll continue to make progress day by day.

I’ll take my time getting to where I should be. I’ll never “get my body back,” and I’m not worried about it. Because there’s no going back, only going forward. 

I'm not going to lie, getting back into it was hard. It has been one of the most intensely difficult mental processes I have ever been through. But 12 weeks postpartum and I’m feeling so much stronger; physically and mentally.

I can do this. YOU can do this. 

Here’s to our bodies, they amazing things they've done, and the amazing things they continue to do!