Postpartum "After" Pics

Postpartum "After" Pics

Let’s be honest- I’m all about taking progress pictures. That being said, I’ve always hated 30 day “Before and after picture” competitions. Cough, excuse me, challenges. But that’s what it is, right? A competition.

I’ve always been frustrated with 30 day photo challenges because while we see two pictures side by side, what we don’t see is the whole picture. We see the before picture, the after picture, and read a short snippet how life has miraculously changed in 30 days… but what about the rest of the story?

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Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy

Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy

Here I am, almost 14 months postpartum and I don’t have my “pre-baby body back.”

How embarrassing.

I should hang my head in shame, right? Give back my “trainer” certifications? Call it quits on the whole healthy living portion of The FRICKin Good Life? (Which, let’s be honest, is one of the major pillars of living the FRICKin Good Life)

Get your body back after pregnancy.

If I see that one more time, I may scream. Or pull out my hair (which, let’s be honest, isn’t a great idea since I’m finally growing the hair back I lost last year!).

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Lessons from a One Year Old

Lessons from a One Year Old

What is that old saying? The days are long, but the years are short… or something like that. I tell you what, this has been the longest shortest year of my entire life. I can hardly wrap my head around the fact that my sweet baby is a year old. In fact, she’s hardly a baby. She zips all over the house, gets into everything she shouldn’t, dances and laughs without restraint.

Oh how I love her. Oh how I love that.

I watch her in amazement and wonder how much better our lives would be if we laughed as easily and danced as often.

While there are a million things we can learn from children- here are 11 of my favorite lessons my one year old teaches me every single day.

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Postpartum Motivation

Postpartum Motivation

For some reason we have this crazy notion that by six weeks postpartum a woman should automatically be the same size as she was before she was pregnant… or smaller.

But it doesn’t work like that. It took MONTHS for your body to make changes and grow a human. And it takes time for your body to make even more changes (not to mention while juggling a newborn!)

So take a deep breath mama, you’ve got got this!

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