Love Yourself, Even When It's Hard

The voice in our heads is lying.  You know, that voice that tells you that you’re not enough.

  • Not pretty enough

  • Not thin enough

  • Not nice enough

  • Not smart enough

  • Not, well, you get the idea

Perhaps most of the time that little voice stays quiet and in the back of our heads; until something triggers it and we have to remind ourselves that we ARE enough.

Here are a just a few of my favorite affirming and loving quotes for those days when you (and I) need to be reminded of the amazing and wonderful people that we are.


Just because I’m a personal trainer and wellness coach doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with body image just like a huge percentage of the rest of the human population. I worry about my “back fat” and “muffin top” and stress about my skin, hair, and nails...

Yet it’s important to remember that our worth isn’t in the number between our toes or the size of our jeans.  You are amazing, loved, worthy and valuable just the way you are; and no number will change that fact.


Have you ever had someone without socially “ideal” beauty take your breath away? I know I have, time and time again.  What is it about that person that makes them beautiful?

Often it’s complete confidence, acceptance, and the ability to be comfortable in their own skin. After all, we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  Each of us is a work of art. As different as a Picasso from a Rembrandt, but a work of art all the same.

Beauty is about remembering, believing and accepting that in each other as well as ourselves.


Decide that you are beautiful, because you are.   You are beautiful. You are amazing, fabulous, and beautiful.  It’s time you live your life that way today and every day.


Sometimes feeling beautiful can seem like the most challenging battle we face in a day.  Those are the days it’s important to remember you are ENOUGH just the way you are, the way you were made, and how this life has created you. YOU are enough and you are beautiful for the ups and downs the world has thrown at you. You are enough, you are beautiful, you are amazing just the way you are.

Does that mean we don’t continue to grow and improve? No. It just means that we must accept and love ourselves not only as the person we are becoming, but the person we are right now.   After all…




Do you have a favorite quote? Please share!