Accomplish Things Faster & Better

Accomplish Things Faster & Better

Back in January I mentioned that I was giving my money away for a happiness project (clarification, it wasn’t all my money. It was totally reasonable in the grand scheme of things, but still, it was something I knew I had to do).

Now that March has come and almost gone, I’m reflecting back on that decision (to purchase the course), and what I have accomplished over the last two and a half months. Not only that, but what has, and hasn’t worked for me.

First, I’m not at all sad about my choice to go through the course. For me, it’s simple and doesn’t take a lot of time. However, by focusing on the topic of the month, and happiness in general, I’ve found that I’ve grown faster in areas of my life than I have before. I’ve been into personal development for years, however, the speed that I am accomplishing in areas that have seemed to drag has been mind-blowing. I never would have guessed that I could do so much “work” in so short of time.

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