Health and Wellness Books... to Read

I might have a problem.

I love to read (But you knew that, didn’t you). In fact, when asked about my hobbies, eading is the first thing that comes to mind. Seriously. There’s nothing much better than curling up with a good book and a lovely beverage (hot tea is my current drug of choice) and getting lost in the story.

I used to stick to fiction, mostly fantasy. The Harry Potter series has my heart, and I’ve been reading Mercedes Lackey for almost as long as I can remember (4th grade?). But when my obsession with health and wellness began I found that I also enjoyed reading non-fiction.

Yes, many non-fiction health and wellness books can feel a bit over-the-top and some can even feel a little “woowoo.” But I don’t complain, I’m here for it. I take what I need from them, and leave the rest. Sometimes, I end up having to do more research, and end up going down a rabbit hole before I’ve even realized what happened.

However a couple of years ago, something major occurred. I stopped reading.

I can’t exactly put my finger on when it started, but I know I somehow convinced myself I was “too busy.” I told myself that I didn’t have time, or that I was wasting time by reading.


I love to read (remember? I said that already), and I always have.

So I got back into reading. I joined a book club (yes, we actually read books. And we read a variety of genres too, which is awesome), and I decided to give audiobooks a try. And life was so, so much better.

Except for one thing. The stack.

If you’re an avid reader, you may know what I’m talking about. I thought I was the only person with “the stack,” but after a year and a half of participating on the Ravenclaw Charity Miles team I realized that “the stack” is actually very common.

I realized that in addition to reading, I have another hobby. I like to buy books.  

If I thought I’d use it for work (meaning, they are somehow wellness related), or the book isn’t at the library, I bought it.

Recently I discovered Goodreads again (and actually started using it), so I hope to use that platform to track the books I want to read instead of purchasing and adding to “the stack,” but in the meantime, I thought I’d share with you some of the books on my shelves that I’ve either never read, or only read parts of (meaning to go back).

  1. Start.- Jon Acuff

  2. Quitter- Jon Acuff

  3. Super Human- Dave Asprey

  4. The Core 4- Steph Baudreau

  5. The Charge- Brendon Burchard

  6. High Performance Habits- Brendon Burchard

  7. Life’s Golden Ticket- Brendon Burchard

  8. The Motivation Manifesto- Brendon Burchard

  9. You Be You- Drew Canole

  10. The Bloat Cure- Robynne Chutkan, M.D.

  11. Gutbliss- Robynne Chutkan, M.D.

  12. Everything is Figureoutable- Marie Forleo

  13. Hangry- Sarah Fragoso & Brooke Kalanick, ND, MS

  14. Beyond Mars and Venus- John Gray

  15. The Longevity Paradox- Steven R. Gundry, MD

  16. The Compound Effect- Darren Hardy

  17. Feeding you Lies- Vani Hari

  18. Girl, Stop Apologizing- Rachel Hollis

  19. When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies- Jane R Hirschmann and Carol H. Munter

  20. Imperfect Courage- Jessica Honegger

  21. Food, What the Heck Should I Eat- Mark Hyman, MD

  22. Aging in Rerverse, Natalie Jill

  23. 131 Method- Chalene Johnson

  24. Mothers, Daughters, & Body Image- Hillary L. McBride

  25. Do Less- Kate Northrup

  26. Superlife- Darin Olien

  27. The Urban Monk- Pedram Shojai, OMD

  28. The Untethered Soul- Michael A. Singer

  29. T is for Transformation- Shaun T

See. I told you I had a problem.

But! Good news! My problem is actually good for you. Over the next year(s?) I’ll be going through these books (and probably more that aren’t on the list yet, let’s be honest) and bringing you more book reviews.

I’ll let you know the good, the bad, the pros, the cons, and who I think could benefit from reading the books (if anyone at all!). Oh, and if you’re one of my clients- you can borrow many of these books as well. That way, you don’t have to start creating your own stack (you’re welcome).

So here’s to 2020, and 20(?) more books!

What book(s) on my list are you looking forward to me reviewing? Are there any other health and wellness books you’re interested in? Let me know in the comments below!

WHen there are so many books, what’s a girl to do but read the entire Harry Potter Series all over again!