3 Podcasts that will BLOW your Mind

These three health and wellness advocates may just blow you away. In fact, these shows were so awesome I had to get them to you ASAP.

Granted, it helps that Shawn, Chalene, and Marie are all amazing interviewers, but just listening to these shows reenergizes me and makes me want to save the world all over again.

Don’t worry, each of the guests give easy action steps towards better health. Some of them, you’re probably already doing at least halfway if not completely.

The Food Fix That Will Transform Your Health & Save Our Planet- The Marie Forleo Podcast

If you ever thought companies specifically target certain demographics with their junk food, you’re not wrong. If you’ve ever wondered if there was an “easier fix” to heal the environment, there is (And it only costs the same amount as military spending around the globe for two months. Yup, only two months).

Watch out, “Jersey Marie” comes out a bit in this interview, and I can’t blame her. So if you want the G rated version (not that this one is bad at all), check out The Model Health Show Episode 399 for Shawn’s interview with Dr. Hyman.

Oh, and just so you know, I was planning to start composting this year, but after listening to this podcast, I want to get my compost started yesterday.

Ending Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Anxiety- The Chalene Show

This guy. Let me tell you. Every time I hear Dr. Daniel Amen interviewed I can’t help but wonder we’re not talking about these things- longer and louder. Seriously.

I’ll be honest, the first time I heard him say something along the lines that mental health is the only health field where we don’t look at the organ we’re trying to fix, I was hooked. I mean, when it’s put that way, it almost sounds absurd.

As you may know, I’m a huge advocate for therapy and mental health. And now, after listening to this interview (and Episode 400 on The Model Health Show in) I’ll be pushing for “Brain Health” as well.

P.S. If you want to get be a brain scan as a gift, I wouldn’t say no.

Beautiful Teeth, Healthy Gums, & Fresh Breath: Tips For Natural Oral Care- The Model Health Show

I’ve been thinking a lot about my teeth lately. Probably because I’m terrible about going to the dentist. It’s not that I’m scared of the dentist (which is an actual thing called dentaphobia), it’s just that since I moved to St. Louis I never found a dentist, so I never got into the regular routine of it.

I know, I know. That’s terrible of me. And after listening to this- it’s reminded me yet again how important it is for me to take the time to find someone, and schedule an appointment.

And yet… since it has been a while, I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t at least a little nervous. So, I’ll probably go ahead and pick up this book, try some of these tricks, and schedule my appointment for mid-June. And yes, you can hold me to it. (Ugh)

So there you are. Three podcasts that will get you fired up, motivated, and ready to change the world… or at least you and your family’s health. Now, go listen to them! 

Check out Some of my Favorite Inspiring, Motivating, and entertaining Podcasts Shows!