‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (FRICKin Good Life Gym Edition) 

Merry Christmas!

Every year during the holidays I have a little something for my personal training clients. Several years ago a couple of my clients asked me to rewrite the lyrics to “My Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music including, well, my favorite things. So I did and I put together little goodie bags with some of those things in them. My favorites were so popular, that I did it again a last year (two years later).

This year, instead of rewriting “My Favorite Things” yet again, I decided to rewrite “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”. I’ve replaced the reindeer with this year’s goodie bag items, and I’ve included an explanation about what I choose these items to gift to my clients.

Whether you’re looking for some little things to help you live a healthier happier life or a trainer looking for a gift idea, or just like to reread poorly rewritten Christmas poems, I’ve got you covered!

Happy Christmas!

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
(FRICKin Good Life Gym Edition)

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the gym,
About three creatures were stirring, the pickings were slim.
The treadmills were quiet, the stair master bare,
Certainly soon there would be no one there. 

The clients were nestled all snug in their homes,
Or perhaps on vacation, exact locations unknown.
Their trainer at home spending way too much time,
Wracking her brain to come up with this rhyme. 

She believed in them all, that they would not forget, 
That over the holidays there were still goals to be met.
So together a bag of goodies she made,
In hopes that their drive to improve would not fade. 

This past year was tough on all those involved,
Five gyms in seven months, now the problem is solved.
he change coming now is exciting and new,
The trainer has nothing to say, but thank you.

Twenty-twenty will start in a new gym once more,
But no worries a Starbucks is still right next door,  ;)
And additional highlights are at this new gym, 
Brand new weights, racks, a track, and a place for a swim. 

So together she put some of her favorite things, 
In a bag with some wrapping and a bow made of string.
Small items, it’s true, but all made with care,
Many handmade with her own special flair.

There’s bath bombs and lip balm and a reusable scrubber,
Epsom salt, produce bags, NibMor and water!
She hopes this small gift will brighten your day, 
Though it comes from a gym instead of a sleigh.

So out to her sports car, she runs all a-hustle, 
And heads back to her home, where her family will nestle.
And you’ll hear her proclaim, to all those who can hear, 
Happy Christmas to All, and a Healthy New Year!

Epsom Salt

Magnesium.  Without getting super scientific, it’s important to know that Magnesium is critical for bunches and bunches of functions in the human body… yet many people are deficient.  One of the best ways to get Magnesium (other than in your food!) is topically/absorbed through your skin.  Add this Eucalyptus Epsom Salt to a hot bath to help soothe sore muscles.  Besides, even if you’re still sore you’ll still get to enjoy the hot soak and some down time!

Homemade Bath Bombs

Speaking of a hot bath… these lavender bath bombs aren’t just for the entertaining fizz. They are made with coconut oil, which is perfect for dry winter skin! Also, no bad chemicals here. I know, because I made them myself (you can find the recipe here)!  FYI: the coconut oil may make your tub a bit slippery. 

Lip Balm

Back by popular demand! My Sister-in-Law makes the best lip balm with only “good for you” ingredients. Remember, what you put on your body ends up in your body, so get the good stuff. You’re worth it. 

Reusable Dish Scrubber

Speaking of my Sister-in-Law, she gave me a couple of these for Christmas last year, and I was skeptical at first. But they work great for scrubbing pans and dishes. And they wash really well! I was hooked. So, I went out and bought the stuff to make myself some more… and I made the for my clients as well.

Produce Bag

Fun fact about me, one of my favorite books growing up was called 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do To Save the Earth. So it’s no surprise that I love things (and gifting things) that will help our planet. (“Let Our Powers Combine” Captain Planet) I also love these reusable makeup remover pads, but I didn’t put them in my goodie bags this year.

Sparkling Water

If there are two things I love it’s staying hydrated and feeling fancy! I love a good sparkling water anytime of the year, but I’ve been drinking even more of it since the pregnancy. There’s just something about sipping sparkling water out of a wine glass that just feels… fancy, ya know? 

But in all reality, this stuff is great. Whether you’re trying to break a soda addiction (and just want the fizz) or are looking for a mixer for a low-cal cocktail, sparkling water is your friend. Try it with a squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange. Yum!

NibMor Daily Dose Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is amazing, especially good quality chocolate.  When you have good quality, you’ll find that you don’t even have to worry about moderation because a little bit goes a long way.  I love these NibMor Daily Dose of Dark chocolates because they’re the perfect size and individually wrapped to keep portions in check. Enjoy!

So there you have it! A cheesy poem and some healthy treats! I suppose all there is left for me to say (to all who can hear),

Happy Christmas to All, and a Healthy New Year!