My Favorite Things #2

Happy New Year! 

Two years ago, after prompting from some of my clients, I rewrote the lyrics of “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music. They requested that I include my favorite health and fitness items and brands, as well as a few random things about me. The musical theatre girl in me couldn’t stop thinking about the request, and the first version of “Erin’s Favorite Things” was born. To top it off, I used the lyrics to inspire my client Christmas gifts that year… and it was FRICKin amazing (if I do say so myself).

Last years’ Christmas was all about relaxation, but as awesome as that was I still have clients who talk about my favorites. So I thought why not do a part 2? 

These are all things I absolutely love, and to be quite honest, I talk about (probably too) often. I hope you can enjoy a few of my favorite things (the gifts, as well as the song!) Check out my first version of “My Favorite Things” by clicking here!

My Favorite Things (Part 2)
Erin’s Version

PiYo & hot baths with Epsom salt & bubbles
Kickboxing and weightlifting drown all my troubles
Bone broth and yogi teas make my heart sing
These are a few of my favorite things

Podcasts of all sorts and coconut water,
Girls’ night and book club, and, well, Harry Potter
Audiobooks help make reading a breeze
Things I could live without- maybe not these

Schmidt’s Deodorant!
Homemade bath bombs!
Naturals not a fad
I simply remember my favorite things and then I don’t feel so bad

Athleta Elation leggings and Chi Tanks
H&M recycling gets applause and my thanks (2020 edit- they no longer do this, Sad face.)
Eat Cleaner food wash, reusable straws,
Maybe next year I’ll get something with paws!

Intensely dark chocolate and Miracle noodles
Coconut butter and pesto with zoodles
Homemade guacamole I always do bring
These are a few of my favorite things

P.S. Some of the links in this song may be affiliate links, but if they are- it’s because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the products (because obviously… favorite things). Most, however, just lead you to where you can see what I’m actually talking about… just in case you need a few new favorite things ;)