Podcasts to Listen to Before the Holidays (or whenever)

Do you listen to podcasts? Are you a regular podcast listener, or do you occasionally listen when someone recommends one?

Podcasts are awesome because you can literally find an episode or a show for anyone. Really. There’s a podcast for just about everything. In fact, over the last year I got my husband (who previously made fun of my podcast addiction) listening to podcasts on a regular basis. Now, he listens to podcasts while getting ready in the morning, doing laundry, and ironing (Yes. He does his own laundry and ironing. Bless him.) Granted, his podcasts aren’t anything I’d ever listen to because he’s listening to stuff about autocross or other car related topics, but that only makes my point even more valid.

Podcasts are amazing.

I haven’t done this in a while, so it seemed it was about time to share some of my favorite recent podcasts. Check out one, or all of these episodes! You won’t be sad about it.

If nothing else, it will make your drive, dish-washing, or laundry-doing more educating.



Avoid the Trap of the False Choice, and How to Eat Healthfully When Facing Halloween Candy or Social Pressure: Happier With Gretchen Rubin

Have you ever given into peer pressure and ended up eating or drinking something that wasn’t in my meal plan on a particular day? Especially during a holiday or at an event? This podcast will give you lots to think about going into the holiday season. Don’t miss the quick mention of how to avoid Halloween candy… because while they don’t talk about it on this episode, that reasoning can be applied to almost anything!


Does Wanting More Mean You’re Ungrateful for What You Have: The Marie Forleo Podcast

This episode is short. Five minutes short. And while it’s not the best of Marie’s episodes (she’s got a whole bunch of REALLY good ones!) It stuck out to me because whether you’re talking about business or life in general, so many women I work with play a smaller game than what they are capable. Just because you want more, doesn’t mean you are a bad person, or ungrateful. Marie is going to tell you all about it… in less than five minutes!


The Pillars Of Aging & How To Stop A Zombie Apocalypse - With Guest Dave Asprey: The Model Health Show

How can you NOT listen to this episode with a title like that?!? But seriously, host of The Model Health Show, Shawn Stevenson is one of the best health and wellness interviewers out there. Not only does he ask great questions, but he does a great job of breaking down the technical stuff so that anyone can understand what is being talked about. Even when it’s super science-y. He’s always got something to add, and the guests are phenomenal. Oh, and there’s always a cheesy joke or two as well, so you know I’m here for it.

This episode is going to dive deep into the aging process. So if you plan on getting older anytime (um… tomorrow?) this is a great listen.

No One Ever Told You This About Your Period: The Goal Digger Podcast

Did you know you can literally time your productivity around your hormone cycle? Neither did I until this past year when I started doing some research! Seriously, there is some awesome stuff jam-packed into this episode. Using some of the techniques they talk about you can literally figure out when in the month you should tackle a project (i.e. when you’ll be most productive) and when you should plan on some down-time. If nothing else, you may learn some things you wish you learned back in 6th grade!  


How to Get Back On Track: The Chalene Show

The title of this episode pretty much says it all. It’s all about getting back on track. Whether you’ve just gotten a bit side-tracked from being on vacation or the holidays, or you’ve been derailed for months (or years!) Chalene gives great advice (and a bit of tough love) about how to get back on track. Listen to it now, and maybe save it again for a re-listen after the holidays.

 So there you go! A few episodes that have really stood out to me lately. Granted, there are SO MANY more, but I wanted to keep this short, sweet and to the point. On the other hand, if there are specific topics or themes you want me to look out for, I’m more than happy to share them with you as they come up (you’ll see those shares on my Instagram Stories).

I’d love if you’d share with me in the comments some of your favorite podcasts as well as what you want more of! Until then… happy listening!