Lift, Elevate, and Reach New Heights- Booty Challenge

So you want a better booty. And who am I not to do whatever I can to help you work towards that goal.

I asked on my Instagram what you wanted to work on to finish up the year, and the majority of you wanted a booty challenge. Apparently you’ve been sitting on it more than normal this year, and you’ve decided to deem 2021 “The Year of the Rear.” 

Fine by me. Granted, I personally was pulling for a push-up challenge because my upper body strength needs some work, but I’m always up for some booty work. So I was excited to put together this 31 Day Challenge for you. 

Strike that. I was excited to put together this 31 Day Challenge for US! Because let’s be honest, this year **I** need the accountability too.

Because this year was hard.

But as I was reminded earlier this year by reading "Untamed" by Glennon Doyle, we can do hard things. So how better to end the year than to “elevate” ourselves and reach for “new heights” both on the inside and the outside. (Bad puns, I know… my daughter is teething and I’m running on coffee and a prayer. Just go with it…)

I’ll be bringing the inner motivation and elevation over the next few weeks, but today- it’s all about the booty. If you haven’t already:

Download your Booty Challenge Here!

The best part? There are four different variations to choose from for each suggested exercise, so anyone can do this! You can even up level any of the variations by adding weights or bands. You don’t have to stick with the same level throughout the entire month, or even on a given day!  Heck, there are some days where you might just do all four levels (I’m pretty sure I will!). And as always- don’t ever hesitate one moment to modify (remember modifying doesn’t mean easier- it just means better designed for YOU to get the best results).

This is designed for US. For us to get moving, and end 2020 putting our best foot (butt?) forward.

Or maybe I should say… raising our rears so we can put this year behind us?

Okay. The puns are getting worse. So I’ll spare you anymore and just leave you with some clips of the different exercises.

Don’t forget to Download your Booty Challenge and stay accountable by tagging me on IG @erinfrick and using #thefrickingoodlife and/or #happynewrear!