Asymmetrical Training

It’s been a long time since I’ve seriously become obsessed with a new form of workouts.

It started with TurboKick (well, TurboJam if you want to be picky).

Then it was PiYo.

Then strength training, then barbell strength training and kickboxing with bags.

So I was shocked a couple months ago when I started a new type of training that I absolutely LOVED.

Asymmetrical training. <insert heart eyes here> Umm… the best!

Have you ever noticed how you seem to have a stronger side and a weaker side? Working to find balance side to side and front to back is something I’ve been working with my clients on for years. Bodies just tend to work better when they’re more in balance.

Which is why I (almost) always have my clients use the same weight on both sides, even if one side could do a lot more than the other side. But by working each side individually (with the same weight) you can make sure you really push your weaker side, work your core, and make sure your stronger side isn’t doing more of the work.


So why I hadn’t done more specific asymmetrical training before this year absolutely blows my mind. I mean, I always integrated asymmetrical work and exercises into my workouts, but I’d never specifically designed a workout primarily utilizing asymmetrical exercises… until now (have I used the word asymmetrical enough yet?).

Okay- enough rambling- you’ve got to try it yourself to understand. So here’s a simple (asymmetrical) workout that you can customize to your fitness level and ability.



Asymmetrical Workout

Complete each superset once or twice according to fitness level. Use appropriate weights, or even bodyweight, as needed.

Squat + Press
10 Single Dumbbell Squat R
10 Single Arm Press R
10 Single Dumbbell Squat L
10 Single Arm Press L

Lunge + Row
10 Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunge R
10 Single Arm Bent Row R
10 Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunge R
10 Single Arm Bent Row R

Deadlift + Triceps
10 Single Leg Deadlift R
10 Single Arm Triceps Extension R
10 Single Leg Deadlift L
10 Single Arm Triceps Extension L

 Core Blast
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Plank with hip Dips
20 Mountain Climbers
30s Plank



Snow Day Workouts (Two bodyweight workouts with modifications!)
6 Cardio Workouts Under 30 Minutes
EMOM Workouts
Bodyweight Workouts (Four more bodyweight workouts with modifications)

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