19 for 2019 Goal Check-In

So here we are.  Halfway through April, which is honestly absolutely bonkers. How the heck did that happen? I’m not entirely sure, but it did happen, and here we are.

A couple weeks ago, I started reflecting on my decision to give my money away in January to participate in the Happiness Project with Gretchen Rubin. I talked about what’s been working for me, what hasn’t, and what I’ve been learning in the process.

As a whole, it’s been pretty good. March was hard since I couldn’t do much “outer order” work since we’re still working on the house. However, I was able to really focus on some specific items such as my make-up and bag and my email account that I don’t know that I would have gotten to if I was able to do the rest of the house. I’m looking forward to putting the whole house back into “outer order,” but unfortunately, that’s still going to be a while.

In the process of reflecting, I realized that I hadn’t given much thought to my 19 for 2019 goals, so I decided I would pull them out to start working on them. Which I then promptly forgot to do… until now.  I know you never do things like that, so forgive me, I can be easily distracted.

First things first. Dang! I came up with some good goals!  So I’m going to take a moment to pat myself on the back. Okay, now that that’s out of the way- some reflection.


Serious Introspective List Check-In

1. I will love and appreciate myself the way I am now. I’m working on this. Some days are easier than others. But especially with what I’ve given up for Lent, I’ve found that the easier days have occurred more and more often than the not so easy days.

2.  I will be more serious about relaxation. I’ve been pretty good about this, but Rob has helped. I would highly recommend getting an accountability partner for this one. Especially if you are an entrepreneur. Or type A. Or female.

3.  I will prioritize sleep. Always. I’m winning at this one. Sometimes I don’t get as much as I’d like, but I’m being obnoxious and pushy about getting my sleep. And I love it.

4.  I will work out the way I want to work out (aka follow my own advice). I took two rest days this past weekend, and I didn’t feel bad. I’d say I’m doing really well with this one.

5.  I will feed my body good things; physically and mentally. My Lenten resolutions are helping with this, as is following goal #4.

6.  I will limit contact with negativity and drama. Work in progress…

7.  I will acknowledge the value I bring in my work. Work in progress…

8. I will nurture friendships. I’m trying. I have to remind myself that I truly believe my friendships are super important, and not let things like the house not being done or the fact that there is always work to do get in the way.

9.   I will allow friendships to fade. I’m struggling with this one too.

10. I will try to take myself less seriously. Work in progress…

11. I will sing. I made listening to music on the way home from work one of my goals in February… which has really helped me do this. I’m not sure how, but I’d forgotten how much it lifts my soul.

12. I will talk positively about myself. Especially to myself. See Lenten Goals…

13. I will honor my body. See above.

14. I will make daily efforts to strengthen my relationship with my husband. Why does no one tell you that this can be hard? But… I think we’re doing a good job. 10 months into marriage, 8 ½ of them without a kitchen and living in the basement and we still like each other most of the time. So I think we’re winning.

15. I will put effort into trying at least 3 new activities. Hmmm… I need to get on that.

16. I will read continue to read books, just for fun. Check!

17. I will shorten my to-do list. Check!

18. I will develop a gratitude practice. And stick to it. The first part of this I’m good at. The second, not so much.

19. I will give myself grace. See below.


Fun, Actionable List Check-In

1.  I will organize and keep my desk organized. Considering that my desk is a “landing space” in the basement, this hasn’t gone so well yet. BUT! I did work on organizing the drawers and they are staying pretty organized.

2.  I will do the Golden Trio Challenge. I’m on 11 of 50. One more book until I achieve “Ron” status.

3.  I will put together a “words of affirmation” notebook or box. I forgot about this one…

4.  I will go through my clothes and keep only those that make me feel good. Gradually working on it.

5.  I will buy wardrobe pieces that need to be purchased so I can get rid of anything that makes me feel bad about myself/my body. Gradually working on this too.

6.  I will finish and launch my ebook. Oh yeah…

7.  I will take a dance class. I should probably schedule this. OH! This could be one of my 3 new things…

8.  I will create a functional special occasions calendar so I can keep up with anniversaries, birthdays, and other special dates. I’ve started collecting dates, now I need to figure out how to make a functional calendar.

9.  I will switch our products to non-toxic cleaning supplies. Working on it!

10. I will take a relaxing hot bath at least twice a month. Our bathtub is leaking. It has to be fixed, so I haven’t been able to do this. I need to come up with something else…

11. I will host a Holiday “open house.” Planning on it!

12. I will take classes for a new activity (Tennis???) Oh! I should start looking at schedules.

13. I will try my hand at lettering (and allow myself to buy the correct tools to do it right!) Hmmm… putting “research pens” on my to-do list.

14. I will put together a playlist of my favorite musical theatre songs to sing. Done! And Disney too!

15. I will complete a new course that will contribute to my career. I am now a Certified Powerlifting Coach. I’m not sure how it will contribute, but it was definitely out of my “box”

16. I will schedule friend “dates” at least twice a month. About that… Wait, actually… I have gotten at least 2 in, as long as doubles with the guys count!

17. I will schedule one “date weekend” a quarter with my husband. Last quarter was a “house work” weekend… but we allowed ourselves to relax. I have a B&B weekend scheduled for May!

18. I will learn how to use my Sous Vide. As soon as I move back into my kitchen.

19. I will give myself grace. See below…  


It’s funny, because after going through and reading all of these, I actually feel pretty good about what I’ve accomplished so far this year. Which is strange, because in the past I’ve generally felt behind, and that if I wasn’t at 102%, I was failing. I’m not entirely sure where that originally came from (I can guess), but I’m so glad to know that I’m now more able to give myself grace to be okay with where I am now. 

It’s funny- because I’m pretty sure going through this process is helping me with giving myself grace. As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I’m realizing that by slowing down and focusing on one area at a time, I actually feel like I’m accomplishing things faster. And when I mean accomplishing things, I mean actually finishing them. You see, I have a really bad habit of starting things, but never finishing them (aka #6… Ebook).

I hope that by giving you a glimpse of how I’m working through my personal Happiness Project this year, I am able to encourage you in your own life. Your goals don’t have to be the same, or even similar to mine. In fact, I’m sure they won’t be!  (And, you don’t have to be an overachiever and make two lists either) But I do hope that you take some time to make some goals for yourself, then reflect back on them.

But most of all, I hope you work on learning to give yourself grace. Because you are amazing, and you deserve it.


How often do you look back and reflect on your goals for the year? Don’t wait until November- do it now!