19 for 2019

At the beginning of this year I began reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin. Well actually, I began listening to it (audio books are the best). About 20 minutes in, and I was hooked. I had to do my own happiness project. Obviously.

The signs were there. One of my clients had mentioned Gretchen at the end of November, which is how I “found” her in the first place. Then, Gretchen did an interview on one of my favorite podcasts, For the Love. THEN I found out that Gretchen was leading a group of people through a year-long happiness project.

Take my money now.

Each month we have a different “theme,” just like she does in the book (Read it. Read it now. It’s on Hoopla). And January is all about Self-Knowledge. One of the suggestions she makes is to create a 19 for (20)19 list… which appealed to me… because I had ALREADY STARTED ONE. (Do you see what I’m saying here? It’s all falling in place, so it had to happen.)

I’m excited to see how this happiness project turns out, but I’m also excited to share with you how it goes and what I learn through the process.

But first things first. My 19 for 2019.

I ended up making two lists. Sometimes I can get a little too deep and introspective, which I did for my first list. I love my list, don’t get me wrong. But it has very little specific and actionable items, which I also love. So I made a second list.

One of the things I have noticed through the years is how much I enjoy reading other people’s goals and wrap-ups. Partially because they often trigger ideas for me even if my ideas aren’t related to the goals I’m reading. So I decided to share my lists with you. Whether it’s from my “Serious, Introspective List” or my “Fun, Actionable List,” perhaps one of my items will trigger some ideas for you for this year.

Serious Introspective List

  1. I will love and appreciate myself the way I am now.

  2. I will be more serious about relaxation.

  3. I will prioritize sleep. Always.

  4. I will work out the way I want to work out (aka follow my own advice).

  5. I will feed my body good things; physically and mentally.

  6. I will limit contact with negativity and drama.

  7. I will acknowledge the value I bring in my work.

  8. I will nurture friendships.

  9. I will allow friendships to fade.

  10. I will try to take myself less seriously.

  11. I will sing.

  12. I will talk positively about myself. Especially to myself.

  13. I will honor my body.

  14. I will make daily efforts to strengthen my relationship with my husband.

  15. I will put effort into trying at least 3 new activities.

  16. I will read continue to read books, just for fun.

  17. I will shorten my to-do list.

  18. I will develop a gratitude practice. And stick to it.

  19. I will give myself grace.

Fun, Actionable List

  1. I will organize and keep my desk organized.

  2. I will do the Golden Trio Challenge .

  3. I will put together a “words of affirmation” notebook or box.

  4. I will go through my clothes and keep only those that make me feel good.

  5. I will buy wardrobe pieces that need to be purchased so I can get rid of anything that makes me feel bad about myself/my body.

  6. I will finish and launch my ebook.

  7. I will take a dance class.

  8. I will create a functional special occasions calendar so I can keep up with anniversaries, birthdays, and other special dates.

  9. I will switch our products to non-toxic cleaning supplies.

  10. I will take a relaxing hot bath at least twice a month

  11. I will host a Holiday “open house.”

  12. I will take classes for a new activity (Tennis???)

  13. I will try my hand at lettering (and allow myself to buy the correct tools to do it right!)

  14. I will put together a playlist of my favorite musical theatre songs to sing.

  15. I will complete a new course that will contribute to my career.

  16. I will schedule friend “dates” at least twice a month.

  17. I will schedule one “date weekend” a quarter with my husband.

  18. I will learn how to use my Sous Vide.

  19. I will give myself grace.

Hope you enjoyed! I would love to hear some of your goals for 2019. Feel free to share them below.