More Podcasts To Inspire, Motivate, and Make You Think!

OMGeeze! There are so many good podcast shows and episodes out there. It’s hard to just pick a few. But it’s that time to share again, so I tried to go through my list and pull out a collection of different topics to challenge and inspire you. Some of these are older episodes, but still worth the listen. Enjoy!

Gender Reveal Party- Decoder Ring

No. I didn’t do a gender reveal party. Rob and I decided not to find out the gender of our little nugget until it was born. However, gender reveals and gender reveal parties are a big thing right now. This podcast tracks down the history of when and how gender reveal parties began, and how they’ve evolved over the last few years. It’s a totally fascinating look at a popular trend that has seemingly sprung out of nowhere. A fun listen that brings in a bit of history and social awareness to this bizarre global phenomenon.

The Science of Friendship & How Your Community Impacts Your Health- The Model Health Show

If you’ve spent much time with me, either in person on online, you know that I’ve always believed there was a strong correlation between your relationships and your health. Everything is connected. And if your relationships are off, your health will be off as well. Maybe a little, but maybe a lot. This podcast goes into the science (but don’t worry, it doesn’t get super science-y) of just how our relationships do effect your health. Mind blown… or not ;)

No Time to Work Out, Try This- The Marie Forleo Podcast

Yes, this show talks about people who own their own business, but it’s totally applicable to anyone. Besides, it’s only 5 minutes. So, even if you have “no time,” you have time. Some great ideas, and great reminders about why you DO have time to work out.

Hey, Moms! Stop Pretending! - The Chalene Show

This one is a good listen if you’ve ever found yourself looking at women on Social Media and wondering how the heck they get it all done! Maybe they are constantly posting pictures of magazine worthy meals, a gorgeous house spotless, or their perfectly manicured (and clean!) small children. And all the while posting fabulous, thought-provoking or inspirational posts and/or running their own business that makes you think, “why am I so far behind?”. This show is a good reminder of what may be going on in the background, as well as encouragement and suggestions for the listener who feels overwhelmed.

Acceptance: How to Believe You’re Good Enough when You Feel Like You’re Not- What You’re Really Hungry For

If you’ve ever found your relationship with food revolving around how you feel as a person, this episode is a good listen. They talk about controversial idea around affirmations as well as give some actionable steps to work on self-acceptance and finding your triggers when it comes to emotional eating.

Actually, after years of podcasting listening, I’ve decided I want to start my own podcast. No, not now- I’m not completely crazy. I’m going to wait until I’m at least more settled with my new “schedule” since Baby Z’s arrival.

So here’s my question for you. If (when) I do start my own podcast, what do you want from me? Do you like the short 5-10 minute podcasts, or do you like the longer, more detailed podcasts? My brain is already moving- but since I’d be making it for you, I want your input! 

Until then (and after that as well, let’s be honest), I’ll keep sharing shows and specific episode that I love. Don’t you worry.   

These are a few of my favorite podcast shows for inspiration, motivation, and to just make you think! Great tools for living your Frickin good life!