The Most Important Thing for your Health and Fitness

Health and fitness is confusing.

Everywhere you look there’s different information.

Don’t eat fat- it makes you fat and will give you a heart attack.
Don’t eat carbs, they’ll make you bloated and damage your gut.
Don’t eat meat- animal proteins are bad for you and the environment. What the heck DO I eat?!?

Running is the best for weight loss, running is terrible on your body.
Lift heavy weights for weight loss and a sculpted body, lift light weights for a sculpted body.… what the heck AM I supposed to do when I do make the time to workout?

I know I’m not the only person who was confused by all the mixed signals. Heck, I’m a fitness professional and I still get confused from time to time.

New research is happening all the time, and I do my best to stay as updated as possible, so I can get you the information in the simplest way possible. Because I know you don’t have time to wade through all the conflicting information out there.

And the worst part of all of this? The information is conflicting, but it all seems to work!

What it all boils down to is that different things work for different people. Yes, it has to do with our genetics, but also our lifestyles, and so much more. Everything from the type of exercise to how much quality sleep we’re getting can affect what types of dietary and fitness choices are best for you. Not only that, but what’s best changes as we change.

  • Are your hormones changing because of age, pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, or gut healing? Your fitness and nutrition needs will change.

  • Are your sleep patterns changing because of a new job or a new baby? Your fitness and nutrition needs will change.

  • Are you healing from an injury, illness, or surgery? Your fitness and nutrition needs will change.

  • Are you a breathing human on this earth? Your fitness and nutrition needs will change.


No wonder that we’re exhausted just trying to figure out where to start. Health and fitness is confusing.

I wish I could make it easier for you. I wish I could wave a magic wand and tell you exactly how you need to move and eat to reach your wellness goals. But I can’t. Because there’s no one-size-fits all when it comes to health and fitness. There is no perfect. Even if you perfectly follow a plan, it may not be perfect for you.

Which is why if you never get anything else from me ever, please hear this. Give yourself grace. You’re doing the best you can.

Perfection doesn’t exist, so stop trying to be perfect. You’re never going to be perfect. Not only are you human (and therefore imperfect), but it’s highly possible that you could spend years doing something that you think you’re supposed to do only to find out later that the opposite thing was “better” for us (I’m looking at you margarine and you other 1990s no/low-fat foods).  

So if there’s no perfect plan, what should you do?

Eat real food and yes, make sure you eat!

Move in ways that feel good for your body and yes, move every single day!

Make sure you are getting enough sleep and rest but that doesn’t mean you get to lay around all day

Limit processed foods and added sugars as best as you can but give yourself grace when you just need to get dinner on the table

Surround yourself with positive people who fill you up and do your best to limit facetime with people who tear you down

Work with professionals yes, you can try to figure it all out on your own, but if you want to speed things up, working with the right wellness professionals can be a huge timesaver

Take a deep breath as you work on letting go of needing to be perfect  

Give yourself Grace, you are doing the best you can.

You’re doing great