First Mother's Day

It’s a girl!!! 

Say hello to Clara, the newest member of our little family. She arrived two weeks ago on April 23rd and she is absolutely amazing.


So while I’ve seen post after post from people saying that Spring 2020 has been the worst ever, I have to disagree.

Yes, I’ve spent the last two weeks at home just like everyone else. But I’ve spent them spending quality time with my husband and snuggling my new daughter.


Just typing that makes me a bit teary eyed. I keep waiting for someone or something to tell me that I can’t keep her, that this isn’t real. 

But it is. I’m hers and she’s mine. 


No, this situation hasn’t been ideal. We’ve had to introduce Clara to the family via FaceTime and zoom calls. And the grandparents (and aunts!) are dying to get here and snuggle her (I mean, look at that face! How could you not?!?) However, Rob was able to be with me throughout the delivery and while we couldn’t have visitors, our stay in the hospital wasn’t that bad.

So now we’re at that stage. You know, the bleary-eyed and sleep deprived stage? We’re getting to know each other & falling more and more in love every day. ⁣

Before Clara arrived I was scared that I wouldn’t be a good mother, that I wouldn’t love her as much as she deserved. Now that she’s here I still worry about being a good mom, but there’s no doubt about my love for her. ⁣

I look at her and I feel like my heart could explode. ⁣

Who knew? ⁣

I guess all you other moms. 

I’ll share more about my natural birth experience and how staying healthy and strong through my pregnancy helped in a future post, but right now, I’m going to keep this brief. I need to get back to my job as a full-time vending machine and sleeping when I can.

Oh, and I’m going to give myself grace to enjoy the downtime staring at this little miracle and snuggling the sweetest baby ever every moment I can. 

Clara and Rob
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