February People

We’ve made it through the first month and a half of 2021. Are you breathing a sigh of relief? Or are you on the "nothing really changed except the calendar" train? 

Either approach is fine. But I will admit, there's something about a beginning that I love.

The beginning of a quarter
The beginning of the month
The beginning of a week
And yes, the beginning of a year

It's like turning to a fresh page in your notebook and starting with a clean slate. There's so much room for possibility. 

And I'll admit, it's also like a built-in reminder to reflect and make sure I'm on the path I want to be on. Maybe you've heard that story about being 1 degree off course? And how you'll be 1 mile off course for every 60 miles you "fly"? It's an airplane thing (and I probably didn't do it justice), but it's a good reminder that taking time to "course correct" will help you end up where you want to go. 

But I'm bad at taking the time to do the reflection and correction. I mean, I'm busy enough as it is- how am I supposed to do something that takes MORE time? 

So even though I'm always bombarded with emails at the end of the year about "setting my new year’s goals and resolutions" I haven’t made true "New Years' Resolutions" since I was a teenager.

Instead, I like to take my time through January to make my goals for the year. (Yes, it may be cliché, but the beginning of the year is a good time to check your aim.) Instead of making my goals right away at the beginning of the year, taking the month to really reflect and “think” can help you choose goals that really fit your desires as well as your lifestyle instead of just setting the same goals you set every year (or the goals society tells us we should set). Maybe taking an entire month sounds like a waste of time, but I don’t think so.

Over the years I’ve noticed a pattern emerging with my one on one that I never could have seen coming. In fact, when I first noticed it, I thought it was a fluke. But year after year, my emerging theory has been proving more and more true.

The people who stuck with their goals started in February.

Read that again.

The people who put in the effort and invest the time, money, and willpower to reach their goals make the commitment in February. And sometimes March, but often February.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think they START working on those goals in February. In fact, most of my Fantastic February clients actually started thinking about their goals in January. But instead of rushing headlong into the first thing that came up, they took their time.

For some of them, it was finding a gym that they would actually go to. Maybe it was on their way home from work instead of right next to their house. Maybe it was easy to get to on their lunchbreak. Maybe it was really close to their home. Or maybe it was their own home. The point is, they took time to figure out when they would realistically workout, and found a location that worked into their schedule.

For some of them, it was realizing they did better with accountability. Maybe they hired me as a personal trainer or health coach. Maybe they started online training one on one or in a group. Or maybe they found an accountability partner that wasn’t just a friend, but someone that they could actually keep accountable, and vice versa.

For some of them it was avoiding the latest fads. Instead of immediately starting whatever diet was currently all over social media, or trying the workout that “everyone else” was doing, they took their time. Again, they took the time to ask themselves if they would really follow through. (I mean let’s be honest, if you don’t like sweet potatoes, you should probably avoid something called the Sweet Potato Diet)

But for all of them, the key seemed to be that they took time to think about what they wanted before jumping in.

That’s hard for me. I’m a “do-er.” I like accomplishing things, checking off lists, and finishing projects. And the thing is, you can’t finish a project you haven’t started. However, there’s a lot of truth to the saying, “slow down to speed up.” By taking the time to evaluate what you really want and what you need to accomplish it.

So what’s my point?

My point is this- working towards a goal looks different for everyone. And there is something to be said about taking your time to think about your goals and how you are going to accomplish them. However, you have to do more than think. It’s easy to get caught in the contemplation stage, especially for the perfectionists in the room (cough cough, I know I don’t know any of those). So by all means- take some time to contemplate your goals. But then, get moving!

My best advice? Get some additional help to get started. Help could look like the free resources that are available all over the interwebs, or it could be jumping in the fast lane to hire a professional to just help you get started. Sometimes all you need is a little boost to get you going the right direction. Whatever you do, take that first step… even if it isn’t February. (what’s that saying- the perfect time to start was yesterday, the next best time to start is now?)

You can do this. Believe in yourself. You’ve got this!


Want a jumpstart? From now until the end of February 2021 new online clients can get 21 Days of personal online training for only $99. Group coaching specials are also always available. Email me to set up a complimentary 20 minute call to find out if we’re a good fit and what I can do to help you reach your goals!


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P.S. You’re on the Wrong Diet
10 Minute Life Change