
So here’s how I feel about cookbooks… I love them.


Yes, I realize the internet has kinda become a big deal.  And yes, I realize that I can look up recipes on the internet.  However, there’s something about a book…

Maybe it’s because I love books so much.  Or maybe it’s because most blogs have waaaayyy too many words and pictures to scroll through before you can actually get to the recipe (I try not to do that since it annoys me so much).  Or maybe I’m just weird (I never said I wasn’t), but it’s true. I do love a good cookbook.

Note the word “good”. 

Yes, I have thoughts about what makes a good cookbook.  Big surprise, huh?

First of all, I’ve got to be able to keep it open easily.  Those small books were you have to figure out how to strap down both sides so the book doesn’t shut are absolute nonsense.  It doesn’t have to be spiral bound, because while I like how those ones lay flat, the ones with an actual spine look prettier on my shelf (#firstworldproblems).  However, I do need to be able to keep it open without a struggle.

Second, the ingredient lists.  Because let’s be honest, there are rare days of the year when I will make a recipe that calls for a long list of ingredients.  Especially if those ingredients are things that I don’t readily have on hand around the house (salt, pepper, olive oil don’t count… they are staples).  You know how they say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover?  Judge me if you want, but I totally judge a recipe by its ingredient list. There are exceptions, don’t get me wrong, but they are for special occasions and fancy dinners only. Period.


Next, pictures. Yup. I’m that girl. I like pictures.  BUT! If the recipes are supposed to be functional “every day” recipes, don’t show me pictures of food that looks like it could be served at a Michelin Star restaurant.  Because I ain’t got time for that.  Include pictures, please.  Make them pretty and appetizing, please.  But don’t make them so fancy looking I feel like I not only need to go to culinary school, but get a degree in food styling as well.  Nope. Nope, nope, nope.

Finally, the recipes. I hate when I get a cookbook that has completely one good recipe in it. Seriously.  Did any even taste test these recipes? Obviously not. I would like to love at least 50% of the recipes in the book, but I’ll settle for 4 if the book includes a section with other resources like cheats, substitutes, a section on where to find uncommon ingredients, etc. Seriously, If the other pieces of the puzzle are in place (opens easily, ingredients list isn’t a mile long, pretty pictures) and there are a handful of solid recipes, I’m stoked.  I think I’ve mentioned before that I have a hard time actually following recipes more than once (I think in the back of my mind I’m a fabulous chef of some sort… so I just know my tweaks will make things just a bit better…), so as long as you give me a framework, I’m convinced I can “work with that”.

That being said, I really do wish there was a way to smash all my cookbooks together.   Oh, and make it pretty at the same time. 

Actually, as I type that, I realize I have a cookbook that my mom made for us girls (me, my sisters, and our high school friends) that has a bunch recipes in it.  It’s great because it has her “greatest hits” in it, but there are also probably 50 or more recipes in there that I don’t recognize and have never used.  Also, no pictures (sorry Mom.  I still love you, I promise).

So maybe eventually I’ll put together a compilation of my “greatest hits.” With pictures. And actual measurements.  But don’t hold your breath, especially about the measurements.

Until then, I’ve decided that I’m going to take some time to actually go through some of my cookbooks, cook the recipes (as close to the actual recipe as I can without feeling untrue to my “inner chef”) and give you my thoughts.

So get excited (???). There are new fun things coming in the New Year, and cookbook reviews are one of them.  Huzzah! 

So… whatcha think? Are there any cookbooks I should review? (Any I should stay far, far away from?)