Back to School and Back on Track

Back to School and Back on Track

I don't know about you, but summer just kind of "happened" to me.  There’s really no other way to describe the last 3 months other than that.  I’m not entirely sure how they happened, but they did.  75% of the time I didn’t know what day it was, and imagine my shock when I realized that it’s already the end of August.  AUGUST FRIENDS, August.  What the what?!?

Unfortunately, when things like this just happen, that usually means schedule and routine are off. And when routines get off for whatever reason (whether it be summer, an injury, a celebration, or a sorrow) one of the easiest things to let slide is how we take care of ourselves; especially in the health and fitness category.

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Live a Little

Live a Little

I write to you tonight with a (very) full tummy.

“Say what?!?  But I thought you were going to help me be lean, and thin, and healthy, and… “

…starving?  Missing out on life?  Not a chance.  First of all, I’m not a perfect eater.  If you’re looking for that person, you should go elsewhere.  I love all kinds of food and I love eating food.  I look forward to wine and cheese nights with the girls, and there is not much you could do to make me miss out on some Belgian dark chocolate.  That being said, it’s all about moderation; in life, and on the road. 

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