Adult Holiday Beverages

Spiked cocoas, coffees, and holiday cocktails.

When it comes to cocktails, the Holidays are bursting with drinks that seem synonymous with the season. (Wassail, spiked eggnog, or champagne anyone?)  However, anymore it seems that if you put the word cranberry, peppermint or some kind of holiday-ish word such a mistletoe or Santa (Santa Clausmopolitan… really?) in front of the name, it immediately classifies as a holiday beverage… and I’m not even going to touch that. 

Now don’t worry, I’m not about to tell you that as a person living a healthy lifestyle over the holidays you have to forgo your favorite drinks.  What I DO want to go over is the cocktails and beverages that you are actually likely to encounter throughout the season, or may even be embedded in some of your holiday traditions. Some of them may be completely innocent, some may be 110% treat, and some will fall somewhere in the middle if done correctly.  That being said, it’s important to note the difference between a beverage that can be enjoyed regularly and seasonal beverages that should be put into the treat category as well.

I’m here to help.


Holiday cocktails have super powers.  They can strike down all the hard work you’ve put in over the last 10 months in just a few weeks (or, rather, a few holiday parties).  Some of the problem with holiday cocktails:

  1. They are often calorie and sugar bombs

  2. They taste delicious and it’s not uncommon to discover you have drank way more than you thought

  3. The combination of ingredients and the amount that is often consumed doesn’t exactly leave you at 100% the next day, which often leads to skipped or half-a$$ed workouts. (Yes, I went there)

No wonder the average weight gain over the holidays is 10lbs.  (10lbs?!?! That is a real life baby, friend. Talk about a “food” baby…)

So what to do?

First, ask yourself how important that drink is to your holiday celebration.  Do you really NEED 4 cups of eggnog or 3 hot buttered rums to make your holiday special? No? What about 1?  Could you be satisfied with 1 mug/cup/glass of your favorite holiday cocktail over the season?  Just as we talked about before, these cocktails are treats, and I highly recommend that you set the number of these treats that you plan to partake in BEFORE the holidays begin. 

So you’re going to have 2 eggnogs through the season? Great! Or maybe you’re only going to have 1 cocktail for each event you attend.  Fine. 

It’s up to you what you decide. The important thing is to make a decision that is right for your goals and your sanity and commit to your decision.

Also, just in case you are a holiday cocktail lover, check out the recipe section for some “lighter” versions.  Or go the classic “better cocktail” route and stick with club soda of water and a squeeze of lemon and/or lime.  Does this mean these cocktails are magically good for you? Oh no.  But every little bit counts.


… Just typing that I can hear “La Vie Boehme” from Rent.  Anyone?  Just me?  Okay…just the musical theatre nerd coming out in me… move along. (Note: If you’re not familiar, it’s not G rated. You have been warned)

When it comes to wine and beer what may seem like the best choice isn’t always. Yes, you may be drinking the lower-calorie, lower-carbohydrate beer… but are you drinking three times more of them than the barrel-aged stout you actually want to drink?

I see people fall into this trap time and time again.  Instead of having one or two beverages they really want, they end up having several more of something else (See #3 in the cocktail section).  What it comes down to, is ALL adult beverages fall in the “treat” category.  Yes, all.  It doesn’t matter if it’s low-carb, low-calorie, or low-alcohol, if it’s not quality fuel for your body, it’s a treat. So instead of skirting around the treat you actually want by choosing something “better,” just go for your treat!  You are more likely to be satisfied, and are way less likely to be thinking about the treat you actually wanted 3 days later.  (Again, if you’re anything like me, that leads to eventually getting the treat anyway, so why not go for the treat you want in the first place and avoid the hassle, heartache, and treats that end up feeling like cheats).

So which wine or beer should you choose?  Something of good quality that you enjoy drinking.  Spend the extra money and make sure you are enjoying your treat. You are not 21 anymore, and even if you are your body and your mind deserve better than the cheapest stuff you can get your hands on (And yes, sometimes spending the extra on better quality will also cut down on the quantity you consume).  I’m not trying to be your mamma, but this is a good time to ask yourself why you having a drink in the first place.  Choose wine or beer only if you actually enjoy the taste and the experience. After all, if it’s just the fancy glass, you can always drink sparkling water instead. 


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My number one recommendation? When it comes to holiday beverages (or beverages in general) choose something you actually enjoy.  Don’t change it up so that it’s “better” if that makes the beverage become something entirely different than what you wanted in the first place. Instead, if you are choosing a beverage, choose one you actually enjoy.  

What it comes down to is that you have to make the best decisions for yourself over the holidays.  Every person is different, and I can’t (and I won’t) give you a prescription for what is right for you.  Take me for example.  If I tell myself that I can’t have any of my favorite holiday drinks I’m likely to overindulge in another way.  However, by setting boundaries on all of my treats I can successfully maintain over the holiday season.  Which, to me, is success.