In Defense of Brussels Sprouts

When I ask people if they like Brussels sprouts the answer I receive is rarely, shall we say, less than enthusiastic. When it comes to these small green powerhouses, people are rarely undecided. Often, I am answered with a definitive "no," followed by a look of disgust at my even suggestive these miniature cabbages of terror. However, after further inquiry, I find that most people have either A) not had them in a very long time, B) never prepared the sprouts themselves, or C) can't actually recall the last time they had them.

So I ask, "have you tried them roasted?" to which I normally receive a look as if I have a second head. "Roasted?" "Yes, roasted."

Trust me, if you've only boiled your Brussels or steamed your Sprouts, roasting is a game changer. If you don't want to take my word for it, you should give it a try purely for the nutritional benefits. One cup of sprouts is around 40 calories, but yields just over 3 grams of filing fiber, and (wait for it) 3 grams of protein.

Say What?!?

If you pay attention to your macros, I don't have to tell you twice that these green machines are packed with a powerful punch. If you don't (pay attention to your macros), just know that Brussels sprouts are FRICKin good for you! Crazy good, in fact.

So don't give up on the sprouts just because you've had them (made poorly) before. I've converted many a client and fellow trainer alike to the power of Brussels Sprouts.

Here are a couple simple recipes to get you started. I generally go with the simple roast myself, but if you're feeling fancy (or a bit scared), go for the recipe wig the bacon. The internet tells me that bacon makes everything better.....

 Roasted Brussels Sprouts

2 pounds Brussels sprouts, trimmed
Extra-virgin olive oil
Himalayan salt (or sea salt)
Ground black pepper
1/3 cup pine nuts (optional)
6 ounces slab bacon, cut into strips (optional)
Parmigano regianno (optional)

 1.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. 
2. Cut the Brussels sprouts in half lengthwise, from top to bottom and spread on baking sheet.
3. Drizzle sprouts with olive oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper.
4. Roast in oven until tender, about 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Want to add a bit of pizazz to your dish? 

-While the sprouts are roasting, put the bacon in a small sauté pan with a splash of olive oil and bring the pan to medium heat. Cook the bacon until crispy, 7 to 8 minutes. Remove from the pan.

-Add toasted pine nuts and bacon by toasting 1/3 cup of pine nuts on a separate baking sheet in the oven for the last 5 minutes your brussels sprouts are roasting.

-Toss the roasted Brussels sprouts with the crispy bacon and toasted pine nuts. Using a peeler, shave a few slices of parmigiano on top.